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Let's get started. Choose an option.
I need a caregiver
Start your free search for care in your area.
I want a care job
Create a free profile and search for jobs.
What we offer
Child care
In-home care
Babysitters | Nannies | Au pairs
Out-of-home care
Child care centers | Family day care | Camps
Focused care
Special needs | Tutors
Adult and senior care
Companion care
Errands | Light housekeeping | Transportation
Personal care
Bathing & dressing | Exercise/mobility | Medication reminders
Dementia & Alzheimer's care
Companionship | Mental stimulation | 24-hour care
Pet care
  • Dog walkers
  • Pet sitters
  • Boarding
  • Grooming
  • Training
Home care
  • Housekeepers
  • House sitters
  • Errand runners
  • Event help
Introducing the best way to pay for care
HomePay, provided by Breedlove, lets you
make easy online payments, automatically pay
nanny taxes and more.
Kids are complicated.
Paying for care shouldn't be.
  • Total Payroll Management
  • Effortless Tax Filing
  • Expert Guidance & Support
How it works
Looking for a caregiver?
Looking for ajob?
Sign Up Create an account. It's easy.
Create a Job Caregivers will contact
you within 3 days, guaranteed.
Review Profiles Check out your candidates.
Request background checks.
Hire a Caregiver Interview, check references
and hire the one that works for you!
Sign Up Create an account. It's easy.
Create a Profile List your skills and talents.
Make it pop with photos and more.
Search for Jobs New jobs are posted every minute!
Get Hired Apply to jobs, find the right match
and voila-you've got a job!

For Caregivers

Create a profile and find great care jobs.
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For Businesses

Find families best suited for your services.
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